1/3 of the world's major crops are pollinated by insects. Australia is home to at least 2000 species of native bee, most of which have received very little research attention. Non-bee pollinators such as flies and wasps are also important, yet terribly under studied.

fire tailed resin bee.jpg

Our research on insect pollinators  focuses on the following broad questions:

1. How do we design pollinator-friendly strategies for maximising pollination benefits and preserving biodiversity  in rural and urban  agricultural settings?

2. What role do native insects play in crop pollination?

3. How does urbanisation impact pollinator populations?

4.  How do exotic bees such as the honey bee and the African carder bee impact native pollinators?

5. Why do honeybee colonies collapse and are there ways to prevent it?

We are also interested in anything related to the behaviour and ecology of these fascinating, under-studied animals.